The ONE mistake most travelers make (and how to avoid it)

Planning a vacation can be a stressful and overwhelming experience, especially when you're trying to fit in as many activities as possible. However, there is one thing most travelers do that can lead to burnout and leave you feeling more exhausted than refreshed by the end of your trip.

Can you guess what it is? That’s right: Overbooking your travel itinerary!

Here are some tips on how to plan a vacation without overbooking your stay so you can actually enjoy your travels and head home on the last day feeling totally refreshed:

  1. Before you depart, research your destination and create a list of must-dos and also nice-to-dos. Don't forget to leave room for spontaneity and relaxation. This will help you make the most of your time, ensuring that you don't miss out on any must-see sights or experiences, but still have plenty of space in your schedule to truly take it all in without feeling like you need a vacation from your vacation. Be realistic about how much time you'll need for each activity and factor in travel time between locations. Chances are travel time and even amount of time spent at certain destinations will take longer than the time you factor into your schedule.

  2. Leave some downtime in your schedule. Don't fill every hour of every day with activities. You'll need time to rest, relax, and explore your surroundings at your own pace. This will also give you the opportunity to stumble upon unexpected gems that you may have missed if you were rushing from one activity to the next!

  3. Don't be too rigid in your planning. Allow for some spontaneity and be open to changing your plans if something comes up that you hadn't anticipated. This will make your vacation feel more like an adventure and less like a chore.

  4. Ask for help and do your own research. If you're feeling overwhelmed by the planning process, ask us for our local opinion! We can share with you a suggested itinerary that fits your interests while ensuring that you don't overbook your schedule. Additionally, take advantage of all the free resources, such as blog posts and YouTube videos from awesome travelers who share their own experience!

Remember, the point of a vacation is to relax and recharge. Don't let overbooking your itinerary ruin your trip. With some careful planning and a little flexibility, you can have a stress-free and enjoyable vacation that leaves you feeling rejuvenated!


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